How to explain supply chain management?

Must be-2,000–2,500 words (edited version of IP4) including chart and adding to the attached file, Must have APA Format Style References, NO PLAIGIRISMS PLEASE.

Having received feedback on your report (from Unit 4 DB and your Unit 4 IP) to each of the companies, and the process improvement ideas, it is time to finalize the report for the CEO and vendors. In addition to completing any recommended changes and clarifications to Parts One and Two, please provide a chart that addresses:

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  • The key characteristics and requirements and the pros and cons of each of the following overarching quality programs. The chart should have columns for an overall 1-sentence description of each program, its pros, and its cons.
    • TQM
    • Juran’s Trilogy
    • Deming
    • Crosby
    • Six Sigma
  • Provide your view on how a formal process improvement program could help at both vendor locations and inside ABC’s own factory.
  • Specifically, in the areas of vendor quality and delivery performance, what are the benefits of creating a vendor certification program, and what does it involve?
  • Specifically, in the area of ABC’s own internal workings, what opportunities for continuous improvement exist, and what exactly would you do?
  • How do you get ABC itself to adopt a more continuous improvement mentality?

Finally, and most importantly, all these operational improvements could create a strategic advantage for ABC because most of its competitors have similar internal and vendor quality challenges, as well as internal operational challenges.

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