How to improve logistic sustainability



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Due date: Time: Value: Length: Based on:

Sunday, 27 May 2018
23:59 hours (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
2000 words ± 10%
Modules 8-10
Learning outcomes 1-3
Electronically through MyLO Assignment submission folder

Before attempting this assignment:


Ensure the ‘Assessment’ section in this Unit Outline is read and understood. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lecturer.

Students should refer to the ‘Guide to Assessment’ file under the Content tab on the unit MyLO site for guidelines on assignment presentation.

Ensure you understand the assignment question(s) and/or tasks. Once again, consult your lecturer should you be unsure of any matters.

Note: All students are required to submit this assignment to be eligible to undertake the final unit examination.

Task description & requirements

Complete the following task based on the attached case study Honeycutt Warehouse and Shipping Corporation (Wisner et al., 2019), knowledge learned in this unit and other relevant information.

Explain in details the tools, programmes or partnerships that Honeycutt Warehouse and Shipping Corporation can use to improve logistics sustainability.

[25 marks]

See the Essay/report assessment criteria sheet on the following page for information about the criteria and the standards by which your work will be judged.


Department of Maritime and Logistics Management JNB522 Business Logistics 18

Case: Honeycutt Warehouse and Shipping Corporation




Source: Wisner, JD, Tan, K-C & Leong, GK 2019, Principles of supply chain management a balanced approach, 5th edn, Cengage, Boston, MA.

Department of Maritime and Logistics Management JNB522 Business Logistics 19

Unit code: JNB522 Assessor: Vera Zhang

Unit title: Business Logistics

Mark: / 25

Assignment 3 Marking Rubric

Assessment Criteria*

(High distinction)

DN (Distinction)

CR (Credit)

PP (Pass)


NN (Fail)

Explain the tools, programmes or partnerships to improve logistics sustainability

Clearly explain with justification the potential tools/ programmes/ partnerships to improve logistics sustainability with external resources thoroughly researched and effectively applied

Well explain with justification the potential tools/ programmes/ partnerships to improve logistics sustainability with external resources mostly researched and applied

Mostly explain with justification the potential tools/ programmes/ partnerships to improve logistics sustainability with external resources reasonably researched and applied

Partially/Shallowly explain with justification the potential tools/ programmes/ partnerships to improve logistics sustainability with limited or external resources

Fail to identify and analyse the potential tools/ programmes/ partnerships to improve logistics sustainability with effective external resources overlooked or misunderstood

Quality of research

All relevant concepts etc clearly explained

Evidence of wide reading & independent research

Main concepts etc covered and clearly explained

Range of resources used with discrimination


Main concepts etc covered but some not clearly explained

Reasonable use of some quality resources

A number of important concepts etc overlooked or insufficiently described

Limited use of some quality resources



Majority of key concepts not addressed or misunderstood

Little/no evidence of use of resources

Quality of Communication

Logical structure with coherent, concise well developed argument

Correct use of grammar and technically error- free

Acknowledged all sources

Faultless application of prescribed style

Well organised structure with argument, mostly logical, concise and coherent

Mostly correct use of grammar and error-free

Acknowledge main sources

Mostly accurate referencing

Prescribed style applied mostly correct


Well organised structure and argument, generally logical, concise and coherent

Some mistakes in the use of grammar and technical errors

Acknowledge some sources

Reasonably accurate referencing

Prescribed style basically applied with numerous errors

Generally organised structure and in some areas argument illogical and unclear

Numerous grammar mistakes and technical errors

Acknowledge few sources

Significantly inconsistent referencing

Inconsistent application of prescribed style


Poor structure and argument generally illogical and unclear

Difficult to read due to grammatical and technical errors

Sources poorly acknowledged

Incorrect referencing style

Incorrect prescribed style

* Please note that the criteria listed above are not necessarily of equal weighting, nor are they all-inclusive; they give an indication of your performance.

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