How to increase retention of all employees?

Congratulations, you have just become the new Regional Manager of Aw, Shucks! Oyster Bar & Grille. You oversee eight restaurants in the MD/VA/NC area. Turnover is a big problem in all of your locations and has recently risen to an all-time high of 72%. Further investigation shows that the majority of turnover for line positions (cooks and servers) is Functional, while most of the turnover for staff positions (shift supervisors and store managers) is Dysfunctional.

Describe your plan to increase retention of all employees. What potential problems are leading to turnover? What specific actions could you take to reduce turnover? How will your plans differ in addressing the Functional vs. Dysfunctional turnover? Expect to take approximately 2-3 pages (double-spaced, 12-point font) to complete this assignment.

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Need to develop and present a 1-2 page outline detailing their plan for the Term Project on Strategic HRM paper: how HR Management fits within the scope of the larger discipline of business. West Central Florida Medical Center is the topic. I have attached the paper.

Students should summarize information on the interactions between HR and a minimum of 3 other departments in one or more organization(s), including, but not limited to: Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, Manufacturing, Distribution, Marketing, PR, Sales, Service, R&D, or Administration. This summary will be further developed in Part II of this assignment.

  • The outline should focus on structure and listing examples of HR best practices that are described in detail in the Term Project. There is no expectation that the outline will be a complete reflection of the paper, but it should give the student an opportunity to make an organized and strong start on their Strategic HRM paper.
  • The outline should include citations of sources and organizations included in the work along with a reference page.
  • The outline may be in bulleted or traditional format.
  • In keeping with the rubric, outlines will be graded on content, clarity, creativity, correctness, and critical thinking.

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