How to make a buyers decision?


The CEO asked you to have lunch with him and explain exactly how you, in your role, could help the firm achieve a competitive advantage through improved supply chain management. He asked you to discuss the following specific points with him:

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  • What supply chain management refers to and how it might differ between service type businesses and product type businesses, and between retail and manufacturing type businesses.
  • How you would assess whether a firm has an effective versus ineffective supply chain?

Give and explain one example of a firm with an effective supply chain and one with an ineffective supply chain.

Part Two-12-15 PowerPoint Slides with notes (150-200 words), , in APA FORMAT STYLE REFERENCES A MUST, NO PLAIGIRISMS PLEASE

Put together a PowerPoint presentation with 12–15 slides that can be used for both internal purposes and when you meet with all of your vendors to kick off a vendor certification program. To earn full credit on the PowerPoint, you must use colored slides, clip art or charts, or photos on each slide to make them eye-appealing, along with 150–200 words of speaker notes for each slide, explaining the slide’s content. Slides must not be covered with commentary; that is what the speaker notes are for.

Assume the following information about a company:

  • The company is currently assessing a make versus buy decision.
  • The company currently makes product line “A” using proprietary technology. Its variable cost/unit is $10, and its fixed cost allocation of overhead based on producing 10,000/yr is $20/unit, for a total standard cost of $30/unit.
  • The company also makes 3 other completely different and separate product lines on different equipment.
  • The company has a quote from an outside vendor for this product A, for $18/unit.


  • Given the data presented, what criteria would you use to evaluate the make versus buy decision that faces you?
  • As a company’s managers create the optimum supply chain, there are many criteria that must be weighed, and in some cases, trade-offs are made. List at least 5 trade-off type decisions that the firm’s managers would have to make to establish the optimum supply chain. Include why it is a trade-off and the added information that you would need to actually make the best choice.

The following is an example of a trade-off:

  • Should the manufacturing plant be located closer to its raw material vendors or its customer base? Why?
  • Make up a checklist that a company’s vendor certification team should fill out when it visits a vendor prior to certifying them. What are the pros and cons of installing a vendor certification program?

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