
Immunization Policy

The Session Long Project (SLP) for this course entails development of a series of position papers (one page) on the topics introduced in each module. After reading and reviewing the required materials for the modules, draft a position paper informed by what you learned from this background information.

For your third SLP assignment, your position paper should take a position on HPV vaccination.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Length: One page, single-spaced

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Required Reading

Bhattacharya, D. (2013). Chapter 8: HPV vaccination. In Public health policy: Issues, theories, and advocacy. (pp. 213–244). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Abiola, S. E., Colgrove, J., & Mello, M. M. (2013). The politics of HPV vaccination policy formation in the United States. Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, 38(4), 645–681.

Xavier University Library. (2014). How to write a position paper. Retrieved from http://www.xavier.edu/library/students/documents/p…


AAP-CA3. (2016, March 24). HPV vaccine: Education & promotion (full video) . Retrieved from

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