HR Management Replies

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According to an article posted by CBS News by Irina Ivanova, 2018 hit a record low union membership in the U.S. I decided to look into the pros and cons of unions and i find it interesting that there are not more unions. I think it gives somewhat of a balance in the work place instead of having boss that can make you feel like you do not have a voice. Fortunately one of the pros is job security which is difficult to have in the current job market. While Job security is important and a good thing it also makes it harder for a company to terminate an employee who is not skilled or qualified to be terminated. It also makes promoting a more difficult thing because others may feel that it is not fair if they have been there longer or just feel that is should not happen. What stands out about unions to me is both the employee and employee brining a ball to the court and not just the employer. I have heard in passing many times that you will never have job security unless you are your own boss. I can see both perspectives with unions. If i did have my own company I would not want to have a union because the risk of not being able to control wages and potentially running my company to the ground with not being able to stay afloat. Since there is a decrease in unions i do not see them making a comeback in the future or rising significantly.……


I believe the unionization rate and the number of employees protected by unions will continue to decline in the future. Unions have become weaker and weaker over the years and it seems like the numbers will continue to dwindle in the years to come. “In the mid-1950s about 1 worker in 3 on non-farm payrolls was a member of a union – and membership rates were even higher in the private sector. But by the mid-1990s fewer than 1 worker in 6 had a union card. In the private sector, just 1 worker in 10 is a union member today (Burtless, G. 2016)”. Today unions have not been able to get started in the bigger companies that tend to pop up more frequently than they have in the past. Companies can not really afford for their employees to strike, because they run the risk of losing too much business. Companies have to offer higher wages for jobs they have had trouble filling, which lowers the employees bargaining playground. This leaves no room for the union. The union has been forced to fall in line with nonunion employees and this will result in unions almost becoming nonexistent in my opinion.

Burtless, G. (2016, July 28). The Future of Organized Labor. Retrieved August 17, 2019, from…


The chance to work overseas and receive a promotion in any company is extremely exciting in any company and this was just the case for Pat. He had worked so hard to get to where he had and he was finally being given such a great opportunity to takes his skills elsewhere. Unfortunately, he was not as prepared as he thought he was which was not his fault. He did not anticipate the language barrier to be as large as it was and to cause as much discrepancy among him and the locals. I think that this is somewhere where the company really failed Pat in preparing him for this journey. The company should have ensured that he knew how to speak with the locals or that he had a way to clearly communicate. They could have sent over a translator for the beginning of his work to at least make sure that he gets off on the right foot. This is something that I believe the HR department could have spearheaded to make sure that their employee was taken care of overseas. The book describes the responsibility of the HR department in assisting in business overseas when it says, “the move into global markets can be intimidating for leaders of smaller business, but HR professional in these companies can help. They can learn more about the cultural and human capital factors that will have the biggest effect on new international initiatives” (Mondy, 2016, p. 383). I believe that this type is situation happens a lot more often than one would think when an American travels overseas for work. This is an area that I think HR departments of companies should really put a lot more focus on and work to make sure that the transition overseas is as smooth as it would be in a local transfer.

Mondy, Wayne R. and Martocchio, Joseph J., (2016) Human Resources Management, Fourteenth Edition, By Pearson Education, Inc.


I do not believe that Sam’s family is adequately prepared for the move to Japan. They have not had the same training and preparation that Sam has had the opportunity to get before the big move. They have not even found a place to live and it seems like they are being thrown into this situation with minimal prep. His family needs to also be made familiar with the culture, language, and living conditions before they move to make the big change go smoother. Although his family has time to get acclimated to their new surroundings, they still need to be prepared for the major culture change. His family should have also received Pre-move orientation and training. According to the text, “pre-move orientation and training of expatriate employees and their families are essential before the global assignment begins (Mondy & Martocchio, 2016, page 377). It is important for the family to be just as comfortable as he is when they make this transition. The company should have included his family in the same trainings and orientations to ensure they will be happy with this big change in their lives. If Sam’s family is happy, it would also make the transition so much easier for him, because he will not have to constantly worry if they are okay when he must work.

Mondy, R. W., & Martocchio, J. J. (2016). Human resource management. Boston: Pearson Education.

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