hstm3350 disc

Each student has completed the DISC assessment and received their personalized report. Utilizing the information in the report, reflect and respond to the questions being asked below. Detail your responses in a report format. Please add examples and details where appropriate.

  1. What behaviors do you consider to be your strengths? Please do not just create a list. Expand on your selections and provide detailed responses.
  2. What behaviors do you consider to be your limitations? Please do not just create a list. Expand on your selections and provide detailed responses.
  3. What behaviors do you commit to improve and what would the payoffs be when you make these improvements?
  4. What insight has this assessment provided to you?
  5. In general, do you feel that the results of the assessment are accurate to your personal behavior traits?
  6. What can you gain from this assessment?
  7. How will you use this assessment for future?

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