Illegal aliens from Mexico

Illegal aliens from Mexico
Mario is an illegal alien from Mexico. He has lived in the U.S. for five years and worked various construction jobs in the South. Mario’s family stayed behind in Mexico so he struggles with loneliness and has a poor social network except for an outreach ministry at a local Catholic Church.

Mario was pulled over and charged with a DUI. He was sent to your agency for mandatory counseling in aIDition to attending a drug treatment support group like Alcoholics Anonymous. You are assigned Mario’s case.

1. Personal information
Discuss the information you want to obtain from the client in the first session. Why do you want this information? Would one of the taxonomy models such as the one offered by Hays or Maslow be appropriate? Be clear in identifying this information such as Family Background or Relationship Background and explain why you would want to know this information.

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2. Personal Biases and Limitations
Every counselor needs to consider personal biases and limitations carefully. If the topic is a hot-button or you lack sufficient knowledge to be effective with the client then you would need to refer. Identify possible problems in working with the client. Be clear in explaining why these issues could detract from counseling.

3. Goals
What goals would you like to achieve with the client? Why do you believe that these goals are important? What would you do if the client refused to accept a goal that you believe would be helpful? If you were allowed only one goal, what would that goal be? Why do you believe this would be the most beneficial goal?

4. Theoretical Approach
Discuss the theoretical approach or model that you believe will be most effective for the client. Why will this model be the best model to use? What counseling techniques would be appropriate (e.g., genograms, journaling)? How many sessions would you schedule? Would you encourage the client to seek other areas of psycho-educational assistance or resources?

5. Therapeutic Progress and Success
How do you plan to measure success? Why is this form of measurement the best method to use with this client?

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