Information Technology Professional Organizations

READ ME: need a paper that focuses on 2 or 3 professional organizations within the Information Technology career field (examples below). Need a minimum of 3 pages. Must meet criteria listed below and on the grading rubric (attached). Must also include a minimum of 3 scholarly references that can be easily verified via Google Scholar or an online school library database.

First, watch this video on networking:

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Association of Information Technology Professionals –

Society for Technical Communication –

Association for Information Systems –

The International Society for Optics and Photonics –

Identify at least two professional organizations in your chosen field. Research the organizations to identify the following:

  • Social/Networking meetings
  • Career services
  • Training
  • Industry Best Practices
  • Regulation Updates.

Adhere to the following standards:

  • Your paper should be two or three pages in length, not including the title or references pages.
  • Review the grading rubric, which is found in the Week 6 folder.
  • Incorporate at least three scholarly references that are not required readings for this module. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references.
  • Be sure to follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
  • Each paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Be sure to see if either of the organizations offers a student discount on membership. These opportunities can be valuable when you graduate.

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