INSTRUCTIONS. This OA, consisting of 7 questions, is designed to get you thinking about conflict and the way that you…

INSTRUCTIONS. This OA, consisting of 7 questions, is designed to get you thinking about conflict and the way that you handle it. There are 5 multiple choice questions and 2 open-ended questions. Answer each question thoughtfully and completely. You will see your credit  appear in your grades. Open-ended questions will be randomly spot checked to ensure quality (so make sure you do a good job on those as well, or else you may see your credit disappear!).

What type of conflict would you say it was? See Ch 12 for descriptions.

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What was the source of the conflict? See Ch 12 for explanations.

Now think about how “competitive” you are in general. Another way to think about it is how assertive you are. Do you always go after what you want (HIGH), do you often acquiesce and give the other person what they want (LOW) or are you somewhere in between (MEDIUM)?

Now think about how cooperative you are in general. Are you someone who likes to work with people to get things done (HIGH cooperativeness) or someone who prefers to work independently to get things done (LOW cooperativeness) or somewhere in between (MEDIUM)?

Now look at the grid on p. 270 of the textbook. Where do you fit, based on your answers to the previous two questions? What is your “generic” conflict handling style?

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