m38 problem set STATISTICS

Using SPSS, which was bundled with your textbook or you purchased (rented) separately, and the GSS database (click this link (https://moodle.esc.edu/pluginfile.php/787502/mod_assign/intro/gss081500cases.sav) to access the GSS file), respond to the following questions. Copy your SPSS outputs, paste them in a Word document, and then submit the assignment.

To copy and paste SPSS output into a Word Document:

  • PCs: Go to the output viewer of SPSS and right click on the table that you want to copy. Click on ‘copy’. Then go to your word document, right click and click ‘paste’.
  • MAC: highlight table to copy, click on Command C. Go to your word document, click Command V to paste.  If you have an older Apple machine, use the Apple button instead of the Command.


1. Select a variable from the 2008 GSS (1500 cases) database. What is the variable’s level of measurement? Run a frequency distribution of this variable. Copy your output and paste it into a word document. Then construct an appropriate graph of your variable, copy your output and paste it into your word document.
2. Using the 2008 GSS (1500 cases) database, choose two variables that would be appropriate for the lambda correlation statistic, and that you expect might be related to one another. Run a crosstab analysis on the two variables. Also run the lambda correlation. Copy and paste your output into your word document. Based on both the correlation results and the crosstab table, write a brief interpretation of your results.
3.  Using the 2008 GSS (1500 cases) database, choose two variables that would be appropriate for the gamma correlation statistic, and that you expect might be related to one another. Run a crosstab analysis on the two variables. Also run the gamma correlation. Copy and paste your output into your word document. Based on both the correlation results and the crosstab table, write a brief interpretation of your results.
4.  Using the 2008 GSS (1500 cases) database, choose two variables that would be appropriate for the Pearson’s r correlation statistic, and that you expect might be related to one another. Run the Pearson’s r correlation. Copy and paste your output into your word document. Write a brief interpretation of your results.

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