Market Efficiency and Market Failures ECON 210 class


This is just a discussion so a title page is not required. Here are the instructions:

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Can you believe we are in our final summit session? This final summit revolves around the concept of elasticity of demand and its affect on consumers (you)! For this discussion, please investigate an industry market failure that has occurred within the last 10-years in the U.S. Identify the events that led to the market failure.

Discuss steps that should have been taken to self-correct the market failure and steps that are being taken to eliminate the need of another government bailout in the future. Is your chosen industry currently operating efficiently?

Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant microeconomics topic. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your discussion:

  • State the article or event you selected.
  • Identify the microeconomic concept(s).
  • Describe your findings.
  • Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.

Summarize your findings using at least 250 words and provide a minimum of one reference. Use current APA formatting to document your sources.

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