Market Research Implementation Plan: Research Design

This is a team paper, but my part is only the following question;

  • Explain secondary market search considerations and apply them to the selected scenario.

please see attached file which is last week’s tam paper so you know what company and what product we chose, use the same company and new product (service) for this paper.

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Use in-text citations according to the reference you used.

List only 1 peer reviewed reference.

the answer has to be a minimum 250 words and no more than 300 words.

Write a paper (my part is only 250-300 words only) in which you examine the applicability of different marketing research tools to the scenario that you selected in your Week 2 Learning Team Assignment: Market Research Implementation Plan: Problem Identification and Project Outline.

Address the following in your paper: (only answer the BOLDED question)

  • Describe your business scenario.
  • Explain secondary market search considerations and apply them to the selected scenario. (THIS IS MY PART, ONLY ANSWER THIS ONE)
  • Discuss the research design used in your project, such as qualitative, quantitative, or mixed.
  • Develop at least one data collection instrument to address your market research scenario.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

See attached file before you start answering my question, it has to be the same company, service, product, issues listed in the attached paper.

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