Market Research Implementation Plan

This is our team assignment. I will let you know the organization as soon as the team decides and my part. Wanted to give advance notice on what the assignment is. My part will only be 100-150 words.

Select an organization with which you are familiar. This organization is the basis for your Market Research Implementation Plan.

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Obtain your instructor’s approval for this organization before beginning this project.

Select a scenario from the following list:

  • An organization is planning to introduce a new product or service in another country.
  • An organization is considering introducing a new product or service.
  • An organization is considering launching a new business unit.
  • An organization is considering pursuing a new geographical market.
  • An organization is considering adjusting the pricing of an existing product or service.
  • An organization is considering enhancing an existing product or service to meet expanding customer needs.
  • An organization wants to evaluate its perceived customer service.

Write a 525- to 700-word detailed outline of your Market Research Implementation Plan in which you address the following:

  • Describe your selected organization and scenario.
  • Based on your selected scenario, identify the detailed areas in which market research is needed – such as population, target market, and per capita – and describe their importance to the organization in the selected scenario.
  • Develop an outline with headings and a brief paragraph for each of the sections that you anticipate having in your final Market Research Implementation Plan. You may decide to change these sections in future weeks.

Format your outline consistent with APA guidelines.

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