Marketing 6

Provide a paragraph outline of your draft marketing proposal (your draft marketing proposal will include the following sections):

  • Company Overview:Add the information from Week 1-Individual Project 1 that describes your company (50-100 words).
  • Competition:Add the information from Week 1-Individual Project 1 with information about the top competitor of your brand (50-100 words).
  • Research and the Marketing Strategy:Add the information from Week 2—Discussion Board 2 about the importance of research and marketing strategy for the brand. Add information from the SWOT analysis in this section (50-100 words).
  • The Marketing Mix Objectives:Add the information from Week 1-Individual Project 1 with the objectives of the marketing mix for your brand: Product, Price, Place and Promotion (50-100 words).
  • Product Positioning Strategy:Add your positioning strategy for your product designed to change the perception of the current product by the targeted customer group from Week 2-Individual Project 2 (50-100 words).
  • Customer Profile:Include the details related to your customer’s demographics and psychographics and the two segments you created from Week 3-Discussion Board 3 and Individual Project 3 (50-100 words).
  • Marketing Communications:Write a section that explains an advertising or messaging concept to help tell customers about the brand. Think about a television commercial, radio spot, print or banner advertisement or a social media message on a page or site (50-100 words).
  • Distribution of the Product: Explain one place to sell your product (25-50 words).


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