Paper revision : you will write and submit a 6–10-page health care policy proposal for an organization of your choice, in the form of a policy manual.

Paper Revision: Please see all attachments.

Then, write a 6–10 page paper that includes the following sections:

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Section 1: Proposal Overview

  • Introduce the proposed new health policy.
  • Include your problem statement addressing a selected topic, various perspectives, and existing gaps.
  • Include a literature review describing the theories underlying your proposed policy development.

Section 2: Analysis and Evaluation

Include an evaluation of issues and policies in health care management from one of these perspectives: economic, sociological, political, or methodological models. This section needs to cover four elements:

  • Synthesize social-political models with the development and implementation of your proposed health policy.
  • Evaluate your proposed policy using comparative decision-making techniques for health care issues, strategies, and programs.
  • Analyze possible ethical dilemmas that may arise during policy development and implementation.
  • Analyze your policy’s proposed benefits.

Section 3: Conclusion

  • Synthesize the information presented in the Proposal Overview and Analysis and Evaluation sections.
  • Propose a high-level, persuasive argument on why your proposed policy should be accepted. This section should include the proposal’s strengths and weaknesses.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: Paper must be 6–10 pages typed and double-spaced, using Times New Roman, 12-point content (length excludes title page, abstract, table of contents, and reference list).
  • References: Cite at least 15 references. Your references may include both scholarly literature and practitioner sources.
  • Written communication: Writing must be free of errors, scholarly, and consistent with expectations for business professionals.
  • Writing style: APA expectations for scholarly writing include the use of third-person narrative, unless it is awkward to do so.
  • APA formatting: Writing must be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting and include a title page, abstract, table of contents, and reference list.

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