
Answer the following questions in paragraph.

Respond in 1 paragraph to the following prompt.

  • Discuss how a teacher’s educational training affects the quality of child’s experiences in an early childhood program.
  • Please watch the following 2 videos and discuss why you think it is important for teachers to build resilience in children and build relationships with families.
  • Please state your opinion of food irradiation and the reasons why you feel that way. Be sure to support your opinion with a quote and reference from the text, an outside source, or a website.
  • Watch the following video on vegan children. Discuss what are the benefits and limitations of this type of diet for young children. Be sure to support your opinion with a quote and reference from the text, an outside source, or a website.

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Share your point of view on using food for art projects. Look at the pictures below for examples of food on art projects.

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