paraphrase the answers

Q1. Do you think it is wise for Domino’s to stick to its traditional “home delivery” business model, even when that is not the norm in a country and when its international rivals have changed their format?

A1. Considering that Domino’s has seen gigantic worldwide store development, considerably more so than their rival’s truth be told, I do believe that it is savvy that Domino’s has chosen to stay with their customary model notwithstanding rivals not doing likewise.

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Q2. What do you think Domino’s does from a cultural perspective to make sure that it. accommodates local differences in consumer tastes and preferences?

A2. Domino’s includes diverse menu things and has distinctive store setups to reflect neighborhood inclinations and social contrasts. It can likewise be found in the upscale fixings utilized as a part of Japan and the care taken in introduction. Likewise, in India the social inclination for more zest is perceived and fused into the menu.

Q3. How does the marketing mix for Domino’s in Japan differ from that in the United States? How does the marketing mix in India differ?

A3. The advertising blend comprises of item, value, advancement, and place (conveyance). In the greater part of its business sectors, Domino’s has kept up a genuinely predictable showcasing blend, with minor changes. Its fundamental item for instance, continues as before, with minor changes. In Japan, for example, premium garnish are offered, while in India a unique zesty alternative is accessible. Domino’s has additionally kept its dispersion system set up – depending basically on conveyance – as opposed to on in-house feasting. Be that as it may, the organization has rolled out improvements to how the item is appropriated in view of the nearby market. For instance, in India mopeds are utilized rather than autos. Essentially, a significant part of the organization’s fundamental advancement is institutionalized, yet changes are made at the nearby level like the heart-formed boxes utilized for Valentine’s Day in Japan, and the news age approach utilized as a part of India. Cost likewise mirrors the neighborhood advertise. In Japan for instance, a $50 pizza with foie gras is on the menu.

Q4. What lessons can we draw from the Domino’s case study that might be useful for other international businesses selling consumer goods?

A4. Numerous understudies will presumably concur that Domino’s has been fruitful universally because it has possessed the capacity to make a decent harmony between keeping up its essential logic and picking up the advantages of institutionalization, yet in the meantime, reacting to contrasts in tastes and inclinations crosswise over business sectors. Up until now, this approach is by all accounts enabling it to keep up a solid specialty in the market.

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