Part 1:Construct a 3 to 5-year strategic plan that is related to a specified health care organization of your choice. The organization may be not-for-profit or for-profit. Complete a SWOT analysis, an

Part 1:

Construct a 3 to 5-year strategic plan that is related to a specified health care organization of your choice. The organization may be not-for-profit or for-profit. Complete a SWOT analysis, and include the following:

  1. Internal strengths are related to resources and capabilities that effectively and efficiently allow an organization to accomplish its stated mission. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 strengths that you consider the highest priority for the organization of choice.
  2. Internal weaknesses are related to deficiencies in resources and capabilities that hinder an organization’s ability to accomplish its mandate or mission. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 weaknesses that you consider the highest priority for the organization of choice.
  3. External opportunities are outside factors or situations that can affect your organization in a favorable way. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 opportunities that you consider of highest priority for the organization of choice.
  4. External threats are outside factors or situations that can affect your organization in a negative way. Write out and discuss 8 to 10 threats that you consider of highest priority for the organization of choice.

Part 2:

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In the health care industry, change occurs quickly and many times without warning. In an effort to address such changes, contingency planning is a key step in the strategic planning process. Contingency planning follows a 7-step process to achieve maximum effectiveness. Assume that you are formulating the contingency plans for an outpatient surgical center.

  • Identify the 7 steps in the contingency planning process, and explain how each step will be addressed for the surgical center.
  • Be sure to provide a properly cited response that includes references.

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