Part 3: Strategic Evaluation

In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization.

Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following:

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  • Evaluate potential business level strategies for the organization.
  • Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization.
  • Assess potential global strategies for the organization.
  • Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement, and include a rationale for that recommendation.

Purpose: evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization (your target company).

  • Evaluate potential business level strategies for the organization.
  • What are the four generic business level strategies
    • What are the benefits to using each of those strategies?
    • What are the drawbacks to each strategy?
  • Would each strategy (by type) be appropriate for your company? Why or why not?

Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization

  • What are the three corporate level strategies
  • What are the benefits to using each of those strategies?
  • Assess potential global strategies for the organization.
  • Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement, and include a rationale for that recommendation.
  • Identify specifically, by name, the type of strategy you are suggesting.
    • What are the drawbacks to each strategy?
  • Would each strategy (by type) be appropriate for your company? Why or why not?
  • What are the four types of global strategies
    • What are the benefits to using each of those strategies?
    • What are the drawbacks to each strategy?
  • Would each strategy (by type) be appropriate for your company? Why or why not?
  • Which strategy or strategies do you recommend your organization implement?
    • Based on the evaluations/assessments done earlier in the paper, Why?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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