Paying Contractors

Unit 5 assignment audio script


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Sorry I missed you. I just opened a virtual training company called GTEX which stands

for Global Training Exemplar with my partner that trains employees in companies

around the world. I heard that you graduated from Kaplan University with an MBA with

an emphasis in Human Resources. I would love to hire you as a consultant to advise us

because they want to hire five new trainers with their MBAs and four junior support staff

between 15 and 16 years of age to do the e-marketing, visual presentations, and

administrative work. Our budget is limited so that is why I want to hire (contract) new

MBAs and junior staff.

If you could please create a 10–12 slide Power Point presentation for me and my

partner recommending in detail how we should pay these contract MBAs and junior

staff, and what laws would GTEX need to be aware of in the process of hiring these

MBAs and junior staff members.

You can put your notes with the details on the notes section of each slide.

Thanks so much and talk to you soon


Your best friend based in Chicago just opened a virtual training company GTEX Corp. (Global Training Exemplar) with his partner in London, which trains employees in companies around the world. You graduated with an MBA with an emphasis in Human Resources. Your friend hires you as a consultant to advise him in the hiring of five new trainers with their MBAs and four junior support staff (15 and 16 years of age). The junior staff will be charged with the e-marketing, visual presentations and administrative work while the new MBAs will help with training staff. The GTEX budget is limited so that is why they want to hire or contract with new MBAs and junior staff.

Listen to the message about the new company your friend is starting (view transcript in Course Documents).

Based on your readings from Chapter 12 of the textbook, the audio message provided, and from the websites listed below, develop a minimum of nine slides (APA formatted) in a Microsoft PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following questions:

  1. How should GTEX classify the MBAs and junior staff, as exempt or non-exempt employees? Explain your reasoning for the classification.
  2. Recommend steps for employer compliance with The Fair Labor Standards Act.

Your presentation should include:

  • A title slide,
  • An introduction slide
  • A conclusion/summary slide
  • Reference slide
  • At least 35 words minimum (APA formatted) explanation in the “Note” section of each slide expanding on the bullet comments in the slide, starting from your introduction through the conclusion/summary slides.

Uses correct spelling, grammar, and submits 9 PowerPoint slides with a title, introduction, and a conclusion/summary slide, a references slide and a 35 word minimum note of explanation for each content slide from introduction through summary slides.

For more information on classification of employees visit the The United States Department of Labor Website Do a search for the “Fair Labor Standards Act.”

Disclaimer: The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional. Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental


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