payroll Bereavement Leave Policy (Memo) Your organization is a manufacturing company with employees in the following jurisdictions: British Columbia Manitoba Saskatchewan Yukon The organization is planning…

payroll Bereavement Leave Policy (Memo)

Your organization is a manufacturing company with employees in the following jurisdictions:

British Columbia
The organization is planning to implement a company-wide policy with respect to bereavement leave that provides the same benefits to all employees,

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regardless of their province/territory of employment or their length of employment. Prepare a memo to Carol George, the Human Resources Manager, that

responds to the following two points.

Identify four specific items relating to bereavement leave that will have to be addressed in the policy to ensure compliance with the

employment/labour standards in each jurisdiction.
Provide your recommendations to Ms. George on how to address each of the above items in the policy to provide the employees with the best benefit.

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