Pediatric pharmacology, only medical or pharmacist professionals please with good understanding of APA format this is for a graduate level class

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Author, A. B., & Author, C. D. (year). Title of reference. Where located. This is the basic formula for all reference entries. The following are some examples.

Able, E. F., Cain, J. K., & Daniels, L. M. (year). Title of webpage/article, if article. Retrieved from URL [Note, no period at end of this kind of entry]

Boyer, R. M. (year). Title of journal article. Title of Journal, volume number, (issue number), pages numbers of article.

Elephant, N. O. (year). Title of chapter. In P. Q. Frank & R. S. Grant (Eds. [if listed as editor on book; leave off if not]), Title of book here (3rd ed. [if edition number present], pp. XX–YY). City, STATE ABBREVIATION: Jones and Bartlett [Note, no “Publisher” or other words used].

Higgs, T. U. (year). Title of book (edition number, if one, as: xth ed.). City, STATE: Publisher.

Johnson, X. Y. (year, month day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from URL

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