Peter Hall provides an institutional explanation for the long history of British economic decline. Briefly, what is the essence of his argument?

Peter Hall provides an institutional explanation for the long history of British economic decline. Briefly, what is the essence of his argument? Based on the articles you?ve read in aIDition to the Hall book, do you believe recent governments been able to transcend some of the institutional impediments to reform and policy renewal, or do these obstacles more or less persist? Develop a clear, direct and specific argument, and be sure to fully document all sources.

These ARE THE ONLY SOURCES that can be used:
1) From Economic Decline to Renewal?
a. Peter Hall, Governing the Economy, pp. 1-136.
2) Britain from Thatcher to Blair to Brown
a. Steve Richards, ?Dear Tony, please raise our taxes,? New Statesman, January 31, 2000.
b. Andrew Dilnot, ?The Chancellor?s luck has run out,? The Observer, November 6, 2005.
c. "Can Gordon Fix the National Health Service?" Economist, 9/1/2007, Vol. 384, issue 8544, pp. 50-51.
d. A not very oID couple; the new coalition government," The Economist (U.S. Edition), May 15, 2010
e. John F. Burns, "In Britain, Conservative leader brings radical ideas," International Herald Tribune, July 22, 2010.

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