Please help me with these questions! Show all of the steps for the solution. Thank you! 1.When an object is submerged in a fluid which of the

Please help me with these questions! Show all of the steps for the solution. Thank you!

1.When an object is submerged in a fluid which of the following statements is true?

           (a) The weight of the displaced fluid is equal to the weight of the object.

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           (b) The volume of the displaced fluid is equal to the volume of the object.

           (c) Both (a) and (b) are true.

           (d) Both (a) and (b) are false.

2. In a hydraulic jack the ratio of the areas of the pistons is 5:1. How much force is needed to lift a 3000-kg car?

           (a) 600kg

           (b) 15000kg

           (c) 6000N

           (d) 150000N

3. A fluid is flowing through a pipe when it comes upon a constriction, what happens to the speed of the fluid flow?

           (a) It increases.

           (b) It decreases.

           (c) It remains constant.

4. A fluid is flowing through a pipe when it comes upon a constriction, what happens to the pressure on the fluid?

(a) It increases.

           (b) It decreases.

           (c) It remains constant.

5. To increase the period of a spring-mass system which of the following is true?

           (a) Increase the mass.

           (b) Increase the spring constant.

           (c) Increase the amplitude of the oscillation.

           (d) Both (a) and (c).

6. To increase the period of a pendulum which of the following is true?

           (a) Increase the mass.

           (b) Increase the length

            (c) Increase the amplitude of the oscillation.

           (d) Both (a) and (c).

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