Principles of Health and Social Care QCF L5

You are an expert in health and social care practice. You are often called to
be  an  expert  witness at  conferences on  behalf  of  health  and  social  care
settings. You have developed a thorough understanding of the values and
principles  that  underpin  the  practice  of  all  those  who  work  in  health  and
social care. This includes the theories and policies that underpin health and
social care practice and explore formal and informal mechanisms required
to  promote  good  practice  by  individuals  in  the  workplace,  including
strategies that can influence the performance of others.

Task 1 LO1   (Link to Unit 4)

(Up to 1000 words.)

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Your  work in a  residential  home  is in East London  that is  supported  by  a
number of volunteers. As a staff member, your line manager has asked you
to  produce  and  deliver a brief  report to the  volunteers  on  the  principles of
health  and  social  care which forms  the  basis for  giving care  and support
within the setting.

Use  examples  from  the  knowledge  and  experience  gained  from  your
workplace  practice  in  Unit  4  (Personal  and  Professional  Development)  to
support your answer  to the question. The first section (1.1) of your report
you  must explain with  examples how principles  of  support  are  applied  to
guarantee that  individuals  are  cared  for  in  health  and  social  care  practice.
For  example  you  could use  examples  such  as  dignity,  choice, respecting
diversity, privacy, independence etc.

In  the second section (1.2) of  your  report  you  must outline what  are the
procedure  for  protecting  clients,  patients,  and  colleagues  from  harm.  For
example in  your  outline  you  could  focus  on confidentiality.  Again  use
examples  from knowledge  and  experience  gained from Unit  4  (Personal
and  Professional  Development)  workplace  practice  to  support  your

In the third section (1.3) of your report, you should analyse the advantage
of using a person  centred  approach  with  users  of  health  and  social  care
services. Give  some  examples  of  how  you  used  person  centred  approach
with  service  users  in  health  and  social  care  using  knowledge  and
experience gained from Unit 4 (Personal and Professional Development)
workplace  practice  in  health  and  social  care:  You  could  include  in your
analysis why  it  is  important  to  support the  preferences  of the  service  user,
why it is important to support service user’s rights and maintain their dignity
and  why  it  is  important  to  support others  to  make  informed  choices  about
the services they need.

In  the  final  section  (1.4)  of  your  report,  you  must explain  an  ethical
dilemmas  and  conflict with  examples that may  arise  when  providing  care,
support and protection to users of health and social care.  For example, you
could incorporate into your discussion concepts such as protection from risk
of harm; rights of individuals to take risks etc. This can also be linked to your
workplace practice experience.

Task 2  Task 2: LO2  (Link to Unit 4)

(Up to 700 words)

The residential  care  home is  to be  visited by Care  Quality  Commission
(CQC). In preparation for the visit your line manager has requested that you
produce an  information  pack  for  staff  on  the  application  of  standards,
regulations, legislation and codes of practice in the setting.

In the first section (2.1) of the information pack report you must explain the
implementation of policies, legislation, regulations and codes of practice that
are  relevant  to  own  work  in  health  and  social  care. Here  you must  use
examples from  your  own  health  and  social  care  practice  to  support  your

In  the  second  section  (2.2),  you  must  explain  how  local  policies  and
procedures  can  be  developed  in  accordance  with  national  and  policy
requirements. Relate your answers to your own workplace setting.

Finally (2.3) you  must evaluate the  impact  of  policy,  legislation,  regulation
and  codes  of  practice  on organisational  policy  and  practice. Relate  your
answers to your own workplace setting

Task 3   Task 3:  LO3

(Up to 700 words)

A national care magazine is offering a prize for an article on the application
of  theory  to  health  and  social  care  practice.  Your  manager  has
encouraged you to enter the competition. The competition states that
in the article you must (3.1) explain the theories that underpin health
and  social  care  practice.  For  example  you  may  want  to  explain
theories  of  human  growth  and  development;  managing  loss  and
change; managing stress  and behaviour  and  relate  this  to  users  of
your own health and social care workplace.

In the article you must (3.2) analyse how social processes impact on
users  of  health  and  social  care  services.  For  example,  you  could
include in  your  analysis some  examples  of  social  processes  leading
to  marginalisation,  isolation  and  exclusion;  the nature  of  health  and
social care services in a diverse society.

Finally, in the article you must (3.3) evaluate the effectiveness of inter
professional  working. Give  some  example  from  your  own  workplace
experience to show the effectiveness of inter-professional working

Task 4  Task 4:  LO4  (Link to Unit 4)

(Up to 500 words)

Produce  a  report  on  how  you  have  contributed  to  the  development  and
implementation of policy in your health and social care workplace. In the first
section  of  your  report  you  must (4.1) explain your  own  role, your  own
responsibilities,  accountabilities  and your duties  in  the  context  of  working
with those within and outside the health and social care workplace.

Secondly, you must (4.2) evaluate your own contribution in your health and
social  care  workplace  practice  to the  development  and  implementation  of
health and social care organisational policy. Finally, in your report you must
(4.3) make recommendations on how to develop your own contributions to
meeting good practice requirements.


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