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Your boss, Maria Beck-Smith, CEO of US-based “Jones Leisure Clo

thing” company.(“JLC”), wants to expand and start manufacturing operations and sales in the E.U

. JLC products are high-end, and typically sell primarily to highly educated customers aged 22-28.

Maria specifically wants manufacturing to be located in one of three “Eastern European” countries: Estonia, Romania, or Bulgaria. Maria is ready to convince JLC’s Board to make a $30 million investment. She asks for your recommendations:

1)Decide which one of the three countries you recommend, andselect a city for your site.

2) Maria is convinced she wants to do this, but she also asks you for a list of the top three “positives” and “negatives” (3 X 2) that come with your countrychoice, when compared to operating from the other countries and from Italy. (Maria anticipates that JLC’s Board of Directors will ask her to locate the new facility in Italy, andshe wants to be prepared todefend her proposal). Work with your team and capture your recommendations on the form. Hand in the form and be ready to explain your choices, and debate.

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