Research paper related to foreign born (immigrants) and a problem related to them that affects metropolitan areas in USA. Before you start writing the paper, please provide a list of topics that you would be comfortable writing about, for my approval.

This research paper is for the course “Economics of the Metropolitan Area”

This paper must be written in four sections – introduction, literature review (with a minimum of 4 sources cited), data and methodology, and results. (ending with works cited)

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For the census data, you must use American Community Survey data, available on…

And plot a scatter plot graph (as shown on the results example.doc file)

I have attached a sample example of a research paper structured exactly to my requirements (including all graphs). Please go through it, and write up a similar paper.

Write about a topic related to foreign born (immigrants) and a problem related to them that affects metropolitan areas in USA. Before you start writing the paper, please provide me with a list of topics that you would be comfortable writing about, for my approval.

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