research report 40 |

Topic – Business Intelligence

The research paper must be at least 2,500 words supported by evidence (citations from peer-reviewed sources). Note: the research should be thorough and exhaustive.

ï‚· A minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed journal citations are required.

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ï‚· Formatting should be double-spaced, one-inch boarders, no extra space for headings, no extra white space, no more than two levels of heading, page numbers, front and back matter).

ï‚· Extra white space use to enhance page count will negatively affect student grade.

Chapter 1 illustrates the document details of the research report and constitutes Background/Introduction, Problem Statement(s), Goal(s), Research Question(s), Relevance and Significance, Barriers and Issues related to topic chosen. Chapter 2 should consist of student paraphrasing the cited research material (i.e. what happened in case study x). Chapter 3 should be the reasoning for doing a basic compare/contrast or advantages/disadvantage of what was stated in Chapter 2 (do not state because the professor said so). Chapter 4 is a complete analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of what was stated in chapter 2. In effect, chapter 3 is a statement of what will be done and chapter 4 is what was done and what the findings were. Again, thus far the writing is objective and must not contain student opinion. Chapter 5 states results, conclusion, and future work recommendations. Here is where student opinion (or any researcher) can state their respective opinion as the student has now “done the work” and are justified in stating results.

submission format. The final submission should include DETAILS of each of following:

1) Chapter 1 – Introduction

2) Chapter 2 – Literature Review

3) Chapter 3 – Methodology Specifics (comparative analysis)

4) Chapter 4 – Findings and Results

5) Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Future Recommendations

6) References – APA

7) Appendices


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