Stages of Grief Kubler-Ross five stages of dying have been used with so many different situations, even divorce!  The five stages…

Stages of Grief

Kubler-Ross five stages of dying have been used with so many different situations, even divorce!  The five stages have also been used with children and adults.   Do you think Kubler-Ross’s five stages of dying might be overused or outdated?  Why or why not?

In my opinion, Kubler-Ross’s five stages of dying are misunderstood, misused and are outdated.  With due respect to her work as a psychiatrist I think it has been a long time since Kubler-Ross originated with this model.  More than 43 years is a long for this stages to remain virtually unchallenged. People have added and subtracted other critical components to her model. They developed new ways to counter the causes of dying. If I had a problem today say with my work, relationship, stress, depression, drug addiction or eating disorder I would rather see a specialist coach than a psychiatrist. I do not expect to get the same information that I could have received in 1969. What I expect to be handed out to me is the help. I would want to see a specialist helping me create a real change in my situation instead of just observing it. In this way, I conclude that these five stages of grief are outdated.

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