teacher Charles

MT is a fifty-six-year-old obese (BMI 31.5) Caucasian female with a significant family history of cardiovascular disease. She has uncontrolled hypertension and is currently taking metoprolol 50 mg twice daily. She has dyslipidemia and is taking exetimibe 10 mg daily and garlic. Her current cholesterol is 240 mg/dL, HDL is 41 mg/dL, LDL is 163 mg/dL, and triglycerides are 183 mg/dL. Her blood pressure today is 174/94, and her pulse is 90.

Review the medications she is taking for hypertension and dyslipidemia. Evaluate the efficacy of these medications. Review them in terms of her age, gender, and ethnicity. Suggest any changes you would recommend, with clear justification for those choices. For medications, include dosages and schedules. Include highlights of patient teaching and/or lifestyle alterations. Support your decisions with at least one reference to a published clinical guideline and one peer-reviewed publication.

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