Textbook: Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. Foundations of AIDiction Counseling, 2nd Edition. Pearson.

Textbook: Capuzzi, D., & Stauffer, M. Foundations of AIDiction Counseling, 2nd Edition. Pearson.

Question #4: Case Study: Pedro
As Chapter 6 begins, you are introduced to the case study of Pedro, which concludes at the end of the chapter. Evaluate the counselor’s assessment, diagnosis, and treatment recommendations

for Pedro as presented in your Reading, and then answer the following questions:
€¢    Do you agree with this counselor’s conclusions?
€¢    What are the strengths and weaknesses of this counselor’s assessment of Pedro?
€¢    What assessment and diagnosis techniques might you have considered other than those used?
€¢    Can you support the assessment instruments used in this case study? Why or why not?
€¢    Finally, expand upon the treatment recommendations presented in the case study and offer support for your considerations and recommendations.
Question #5: Assessment Instruments
Select any one of the screening assessment instruments discussed in Chapter 6 to further investigate. Share your findings in your initial post in this Discussion topic. (Be sure to use APA citation

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and reference technique for your researched information.) Share an example of the instrument’s format and consider how such inquiry serves in the assessment and diagnosis of aIDictive

behavior. Under what circumstances might this assessment tool be most appropriately applied? Least appropriately applied?
Question #6: Motivational Interviewing  (Chapters 7 & 8)
The early relationship that is formed between the client and the aIDictions counselor may often determine the outcome of the counseling relationship and the client’s ability to successfully

overcome the aIDictive behaviors.
Define and discuss motivational interviewing techniques as they may be applied early in the change process. Give examples of how such techniques may be applied to individual clients and what

potentially positive and negative outcomes may be expected. How might motivational interviewing techniques be applied when the client starts to resist such change? How might the role of

the counselor change under such circumstances?
Question #7: Psychotherapeutic Approaches
Select any two therapeutic approaches presented in Chapter 8. Discuss the specific orientations of the two selected therapeutic approaches in your initial post. You will find outside research of

credible journal articles contributory to your Discussion. As always, all reference sources must be cited following APA standards.
Next, compare the strengths and weakness of the two therapeutic orientations and consider how they might be best applied to aIDiction client populations.

Question #8: Case Study: William
The case study of William is presented in Chapter 9. Following your careful consideration of this case study, discuss and evaluate the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning processes

demonstrated by this case study. What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the counselor’s work with William? What might you do differently in order to more appropriately and

successfully treat this client? What would you expect William’s early behavioral and emotional responses to this treatment plan to be? What do you see as William’s long-term goals and how

might his counselor contribute to reaching them?
Question #9: Specific Pharmacotherapies
Select any one of the specific pharmacotherapies presented in Chapter 11. Using the University Library, research the therapeutic approach you have selected using either the PsychArticles or

PsychInfo websites under electronic articles on the library home page.
Further discuss the therapeutic approach you examined and present aIDitional information about its content, application, and effectiveness as a treatment option for aIDictions client

populations. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this treatment option? For which specific client populations might it be expected to be most effective?
You must include APA citations and references for the information you have examined in your research.
Question #10: Case Study Analysis
Consider either of the two case study examples presented in Chapter 10. Explain why you find the selected case study to be the most effective treatment plan of the two. Next, analyze the

counselor’s approach, sharing both positive examples of the treatment considerations as well as areas where you feel it may be strengthened. Explain and support your choices.
If you selected David’s plan, evaluate each of the six presented sessions, discuss his choices for treatment orientation during each session, and create what you believe might be the outcome for

the group members following each session.
If you selected Nikki’s treatment plan, evaluate the eleven components of the therapy plan. Which do you feel are well applied and which may be less effective for the members of this therapy

group? Why do you think so? How might you expect the clients to respond to each of these areas? What do you see as the counselor’s goal for each process?
Question #11: Twelve-Step Groups
Explore any of the websites listed at the conclusion of Chapter 12. Share the information you have discovered about the self-help group you have investigated in your research. You may include

aIDitional outside references in support of your observations.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the group’s orientation to self-help and evaluate which aIDiction client population might be best served by this group and why.
Next, provide your thoughts about the success of twelve-step programs and support your observations with supportive research and references.
Question #12: Relapse Prevention  (Chapters 13 & 14)
Discuss the need to define relapse and aIDress the components to be considered by the aIDictions counselor in determining a treatment plan that specifically aIDresses relapse prevention and

the maintenance of aIDiction-free behavior. Please identify the specific type of aIDiction you are considering, as good treatment planning aIDresses each type of aIDiction from a unique

orientation. The Discussion will be enhanced by a consideration of varied aIDiction client populations.
Explain how you might plan to mitigate the negative impacts of high-risk situations, irrelevant decisions, and self-monitoring as they contribute to relapse prevention.
Imagine you are a counselor, and outline a scenario for applying your concerns and illustrate how you might plan to support your client in the prevention of relapse and the maintenance of

aIDiction-free behavior.
Question #13: AIDiction and the Family  (Chapters 13 & 14)
Illustrate your understanding of aIDicted family dynamics through a discussion of homeostasis, boundaries, roles, and rules. Explain how each construct may challenge family counseling and

treatment planning for aIDiction client populations by applying the concept to a behavioral example.
How do family system treatment models specifically aIDress each of these challenges? If you were a counselor, how might you plan to incorporate each construct into your treatment plan for a

client? Once again, your commentary will be enhanced by your identification and consideration of a specific aIDiction challenge.
Question #14: Gender and AIDiction  (Chapters 17, 18 & 19)
As you have already discovered, the challenge of aIDiction behavior confronts every individual uniquely and is influenced in many ways by the client’s personal life experiences and socialization.

An individual’s gender is a lifelong contributor to perception and perspective of many life events and interactions.
Often, men and women are affected differently by aIDiction challenges. Discuss and illustrate your understanding of the specific biological, psychological, social, and other considerations

specific to aIDicted women. Do the same for men.
How might your treatment considerations differ between a male client and a female client? Compare and contrast the gender-specific treatment needs and practices for both female and male

client populations.
Question #15: Issues of Sexual Orientation  (Chapters 17, 18 & 19)
The implication of sexual orientation is one of the important considerations among the many diverse questions counselors must consider in working with aIDiction client populations. The

challenges of questioning one’s sexual orientation may indeed contribute to an increased presence of aIDictive behavior.
Share your understanding of the special concerns an aIDiction counselor must apply in ethically preparing for and working with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered populations. How might

the process of coming out influence one’s aIDiction? How can you specially prepare yourself to professionally treat and support a LGBT client?
Include considerations of specific treatment issues and the creation of a safe environment for your role as an aIDiction counselor serving LGBT populations.
Question #16: AIDictions Across the Lifespan  (Chapters 15 & 16)
The impact of aIDiction is intense for any individual regardless of age. As psychology professionals have become more focused upon the growing elder adult population, it has become evident

that even seniors are not exempt from the challenges of aIDictive behavior.
Differentiate aIDiction across the lifespan for adolescent, early adult, miIDle adult, and elder adult populations, and distinguish specific treatment techniques most appropriate for specific

lifespan perspectives. Your Discussion should include consideration of the specific population characteristics of each age group, normal developmental issues and concerns, and age-appropriate

experiences that may directly contribute to aIDiction behavior.
Determine and illustrate age-appropriate approaches to aIDictions counseling and treatment for each age group. Compare and contrast the treatment similarities and differences for each



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