To prepare for the live classroom session and your written submission, use your chapter readings and course materials, and any other pertinent…

To prepare for the live classroom session and your written submission, use your chapter readings and course materials, and any other pertinent evidence-based source.

The focus for this live classroom is a discussion about resources and community/global nutrition as well as course closure.

Be prepared to discuss the following:

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  1. What types of resources are available to communities in terms of learning about nutrition and healthy eating?
  2. What types of resources are available to global populations in terms of learning about nutrition and healthy eating?
  3. What are three challenges communities and global populations have in accessing these resources and how can these be overcome?
  4. What specific nutritional knowledge and skills that you learned about in this course had the most impact on you personally?
  5. Were there any areas that you wished you could have learned more? If so, what were they?

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