What are the issues in using AES-CBC for disk encryption?

What are the issues in using AES-CBC for disk encryption? (Mark all that apply.)

Note: Make sure you select all of the correct options—there may be more than one!

  1. If the adversary guesses the plaintext (decrypted) value of the first 128-bit block, the adversary can unroll the rest of the chain and decrypt the rest of the 4-KByte disk block
  2. If the adversary flips a single bit in the encrypted block, the decrypted value will also change by exactly a single bit
  3. An adversary can manipulate the ciphertext of a block to flip a specific bit in the decrypted plaintext block, with minimal changes to the rest of the plaintext block
  4. When using the same key and IV, encrypting the same plaintext data produces the same ciphertext

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