You are the medical advocate for an adult family member who has just been diagnosed with depression. The doctor discusses the various therapies available.

You are the medical advocate for an adult family member who has just been diagnosed with depression. The doctor discusses the various therapies available.

A.Describe the different therapies for major depression discussed in your text as well as other treatments you find while researching this topic that are not discussed in our text. Describe what these therapies do.
B.Based on the information you acquired in this course, what questions would you ask the doctor about the different drug therapies (e.g., neurotransmitter activity, neurological changes, up-regulation, down-regulation, sites of action, etc.)?
C.Choose a depression medication and discuss it in depth (I recommend researching a pharmaceutical website and looking at the drug information page).
D.If you had to make this decision for a family member, what would your decision be, and why44.


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