Discussion, case study and summary

1. Discussion: Using the MLB steroids case as an example, explain how unethical choices by some players harms players who comply with the rules.


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a) Main discussion with 300 word length

b) Response for the discussion with 200 word length(First response with 200 words length and second response with 200 word length)

c) No plagarism and Three references

d) double-spaced

2. CaseStudy:

Please go to this URL:


a. In the above URL, there will be 5 questions at the bottom of the page and please answer those 5 questions with total word length of 400 words for all 5 questions.

3. Journal Article Analysis :

Question: Infusing Business Finance with Ethical Dilemmas


The topic should contain the below format

1. DEFINITION: Brief definition of key word ETHICAL DILEMMAS followed by APA reference

2. SUMMARY: summary should be 150 to 200 word length

3. DISCUSSION: 300 to 350 word length discussion

4. REFERENCES: Need 3 references in APA format

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