Final Project about (The effects of marketing strategy on project performance in automotive industry)

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The FYP report should be between 10,000 – 13,000 words and cover the following topics:

a. Preface–including title page, dedication, acknowledgment, abstract and translation of abstract, table of content, list of tables, list of figures, list of symbols, list of Abbreviation.

b. Chapter 1: Introduction; background of study, research problem, research objectives, research questions, significance of study, scope of study.

c. Chapter 2: Literature Review.

d. Chapter 3: Research Methodology; operational definitions of variables, research framework, hypotheses/propositions, research design, measurement development, population and sample, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques.

e. Chapter 4: Research Finding and Discussion

f. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations

g. References.

h. Appendices.

– Word & Power point.

– 0% plagiarism

Attached files below:

– Final year project guidelines

– Part 2 requirements (Chapter 4 – Research findings)

– Part 1 (Word & Power Point) I’ll attach once I assign it to Tutor.

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