final research paper introduction to group behavior |

This is information about this class’ Research Paper. The topic is very simple.

  1. Select a group of people form the following list: Gang members, substance abusers (Addicts), serial killers, robbers, smugglers, petty thieves, Etc.
  2. Research the relationship between human development theories and social/group behaviors (eg. How they became criminals, relationship with other criminals, social relationships and family relationships).
  3. Paper should be APA style (Title page/Abstract/Content/Conclusion/References).
  4. No more than 20% match.
  5. No less than 5 current references (no older than 2010).
  6. Remember that this is a Masters level course. I expect that your topics reflect an investigative question. No information papers will be accepted.
  7. A minimum of 5 content pages/10 Pages APA (Title page/Abstract/Content/Conclusion/References).


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