Final Statement Analysis, Part Two FPFP

This Portfolio Project has two parts: Calculations and a 4- to 6-page essay. While the calculation requirements of this assignment are important, equally important are your discussion and analysis of the quantitative results. You will submit two documents: 1) a spreadsheet containing your horizontal and vertical analysis (and perhaps your ratios) in Module 7 and 2) a word document containing your essay.

In Module 7, you submitted your spreadsheet. For this module, you will take what you submitted in your spreadsheet, and use that information to write your paper.

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Your paper must:

  • Be 4-6 pages in length.
  • Include a proper introduction and conclusion.
  • Include a reference page.
  • Provide your reader with an overall understanding of the financial health of your chosen firm including the following:
    • Discussion of the ratio analysis results, including rationale for the ratios chosen.
    • Discussion of all horizontal and vertical analysis from above.
    • Discussion of four items from the management discussion of the firm that support the conclusion formed in your discussion of the financial results.

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