Final Statement of Work

Assessment task 2: Final Statement of Work – Inshore Insurance Ltd

A Statement of Work is a proposal document that a consultant seeking work might submit to a potential client. (refer the case study please)

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This is an individual assignment. Built on the Preliminary Statement (first refer the case study please. So then you can decide what problems are in that company) of Work, the Final Statement of Work will be a detailed document containing material acquired through simulated stakeholder interviews and other information gathering techniques.

The Final Statement of Work should comprise;

  • a comprehensive Problem Statement and Requirements Specification (including formal Stakeholder Assent),
  • a summary of Test Criteria necessary to ensure compliance with relevant standards, (please draw some Business Process Model Diagrams)
  • an overview of technologies required for infrastructure, telecommunications, applications and data, (please draw some Business Process Model Diagrams)
  • a Project Management Plan and description of development Tools and Methodology.
  • A table reflecting each member’s contribution to the project. (i have attached that one. “Template Project Management Plan.pdf”)

    Please note – please you must refer to the case study. All information should be relevant please. And need some diagrams for the 2nd and 3rd points please. No need to go that much deep into academic stuffs like referencing deep facts, what need is just the final statement of work for the Inshore Insurance Ltd. And make sure this is a Turnitin Upload please.

  • Length and/or format: Maximum 12 pages. (8-12 pages is ideal)

    Thank you.

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