Financial Statements, Cash burn forecast, cash flow, and balance sheet for a luxury gift fruit delivery startup.

Fruit delivery start up financing pitch targeted at Angels or Venture Capitalists

Working on a start-up or young company pitch with an individual or small team is a very realistic approach to business and you should enthusiastically throw yourself into all parts of the preparation, including the ideation, strategy–especially the business model, financing plan, and forecasting. If you do, you will be prepared to operate in the real world of start-up and ongoing business growth financing.

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Materials required (Word and Excel):

  1. 24-month cash burn projections
  2. Assume you start from the beginning
  3. Assume you received $500,000 from Angels in the form of a deferred convertible note
  4. Figure out how much venture investment you will need and assume you get it
  5. Year-end financial statements for Years 1 and 2 (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement)
  6. Assumptions: Write them out (and then reflect them in the projections, including the investment from VCs you think you need and how the money will be used)
  7. Calculate a proposed pre- and post-money valuation for your company, based on your written assumptions and/or calculations for Series A round of financing of at least $2 million (or more if needed).

We have decided to be a luxury fruit with chocolate dip delivery startup in Los Angeles. We are targeting the rich to gift our products rather than the usual unhealthy chocolates or flowers. Attached I have our current draft (titled fruit deliver) although we decided to not push it further and there may be mistakes. Attached (titled Final Finance Sheet) is a example guideline and standard of what we need to do, an excel spreadsheet that we are looking to have.

We are trying to be a luxurious fruit delivery, having maybe a delivery man in a suit delivering our luxurious box to deliver and wow the product(attached is a picture of the product that we are hoping to sell).

We are to present a pitch presentation of this startup although we have decided to tackle the presentation part ourselves, all we need are the financials which we will model our presentation on.

Attached is instruction for presentation, although I AM going to do this myself.

You will create a “pitch” presentation for financing a new company, targeted at Angels or Venture Capitalists. Each individual will present his or her “pitch” for ten minutes, followed by a Q&A of up to two minutes. The total grade will be 40% of your total grade for the term. You may also choose to prepare and present the pitch as a tea of two. In this case, each person will be responsible for 6 minutes (the presentation will be 12 minutes) and the grade will be divided between individual (10%) and team (30%).

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