Freud vs. macbeth

 Choose a particular character, scene, or theme from Macbeth and diagnose it from a Freudian perspective. You should choose a topic that is articulated in the assigned Freud piece and cite his ideas in your analysis of the literary vignette you have chosen from Macbeth.

Argument must include an insightful analysis of a theme, character, or scene from Macbeth along Freudian lines of enquiry.

Argument must use Freud’s theories constructively and creatively.

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Essays must contain relevant textual evidence (correctly cited) and descriptive details/examples that support the thesis.

Grammar, mechanics and style should be clear, concise and engaging.


5 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman


I already did some paragraphs, however, does not have a flow and needs to be rewrite. 


This assignment is due tomorrow (november 7th) at 5am (NYC time).





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