FSM2065 Boston University Starr Banquet & Meetings Hotel Project


You are planning to take on the role of a manager in a full service hotel. The hotel operates a wide variety of F&B outlets. Each outlet offers a variety of food and beverage menus and is created for the specific purpose of servicing a targeted guest, customer or both.

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F&B Outlet Choices may include:

  • Banquet & Meetings
  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Poolside
  • Room service
  • Lobby
  • Vending/Room Refrigerator

Please describe with as much detail as possible your chosen F&B outlet.

The description should accurately create a vision so that the reader can picture what the outlet looks like, how it will operate and what customers you are targeting. (The use of pictures in appendices in the written project is highly recommended as to support your vision).

Be sure to include in your description topics such as, the name, concept, theme, décor, location, target customer, service style, entertainment, hours of operation, number of seats and other services provided to the guest.

  • Who is the customer/guest business / leisure? (use demographic descriptors)
  • What types of menu options exist?
  • What is the food service delivery system?
  • What is the service method?
  • What is the purspose? Why is F&B is being offered in this outlet or area?


Using on line resources identify appropriate menu(s); Food, Alcoholic and Non Alcoholic beverage menus for the outlet you are exploring

Include a printed copies or links of the menu you are using as a guideline.

From your menu examples select

(3) Food menu item and,

(1) Alcoholic and,

(1) Non Alcoholic

menu item, which best represents the outlet and is likely to be popular.

Include a rationale for your decision. Why? Who else agrees provided credible sources.

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