Fsmt281 Week 4 Forum

Since there are 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives and only eight weeks of class, we are going to discuss two initiatives per week in the forums.

Along with the required weekly readings, you should be using the website Everyone Goes Home.  The website is an excellent source of information, for you, that is devoted to the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives.  When using the Everyone Goes Home website, be sure to look at each of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives sections.  Also, be sure to click on the Resources section of that website as it contains downloadable text and video resources that will provide you with additional information to answer the forum questions.

Initiative 7 – Research Agenda

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It has been said that one of the greatest problems with the advancement of the fire service is the lack of hard data available, though that has started to change in the last several years.  By collecting data, it helps to justify what we do, which in turn helps us convert that information into legislation for Fire Act grants.  The data collected is of little use though until it is researched, analyzed, and utilized.  The 7th Initiative calls for a National Research Agenda, utilizing a complete data collection system.  A research agenda would clarify what data needs to be collected and identify the problems with the way information is recorded today.  A research agenda would include components of the fire service that would benefit from more research: specifically the content of the other 15 initiatives.

After reading the required weekly readings, and reviewing the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives section regarding Research Agenda on the website Everyone Goes Home, write a post that achieves the following:

1. Explain the uses of statistical data from incident reports and the importance of accuracy?

2. Please read the case study below and answer the following questions:

Case Study:  You’ve got a good hold on a fire victim in the stairway, but conditions are starting to worsen upstairs.  You can feel the heat starting to push down the stairway on you, and you keep your victim low as you make your way downstairs.  You begin to wonder if the fire from downstairs has vented to the second floor somewhere in the rear of the structure.  It wouldn’t be that surprising to you due to the amount of venting fire you noticed on your arrival.

A. What type of fire behavior training have you received that allows you to understand what is occurring?

B. Who completed the initial research that extracted the information that was used in your training?

C. What type of incident data will your department submit from this fire and how will it be used?

Initiative 8 – Technology

Change can be difficult.  Nowhere is this as obvious as when we are introduced to new technology.  We all know someone who will not text on a cell phone or resists using a computer at work.  Sometimes it’s a matter of being familiar and comfortable with the old way of doing things; other times, it’s a matter of trust.  What we must understand in the fire service is that technology must be used in coordination with proper decision making.  The 8th Initiative calls for us to utilize technology wherever it can produce higher levels of health and safety.

After reading the required weekly readings, and reviewing the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives section regarding Technology on the website Everyone Goes Home, write a post that achieves the following:

1. Please read the case study below and answer the following questions:

Case Study:  As you make it to the bottom of the stairway with your fire victim, you meet another crew entering.  You know you still have more than half of your air supply, so you pass your victim to the other firefighters for removal.  As you do, one of them hands you their thermal imaging camera.  Climbing back up the stairway with the camera is much quicker and you easily spot another victim at the top just down the hallway.  You quickly scan the rest of the hallway before grabbing the second victim and working your way back downstairs.

A. What benefit can new technology offer emergency responders?
B. Are there any potential downfalls to relying on technology?
C. Can new technology make emergency responders safer?

Forum Requirements

Grading:  Forum posts are graded on timeliness, relevance, knowledge of the weekly readings, the quality of original ideas, the conversational exchanges with other students, and the attribution given to the authors or creators work.  Refer to the Forum Rubric for additional details concerning grading criteria and the Forum Expectations for a more detailed explanation of what I expect out of the forums.

All forums will be scored according to this Forum Rubric.
Please click here for additional information on the Forum Expectations.

Initial Post:  Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words and should fully use the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response.

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