The Organization and Process Change

Process creation, revision, and implementation are all predicated on the ability of the organization and its employees and vendors to accept change. The organization may have the will to change yet find its employees are reluctant and resistant to change. In a team environment, members can only function at high levels if they have the expertise in the project area and accept the change that needs to happen.

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For this Discussion consider this change resistance in addressing the following:

  • Evaluate the role of an Executive Level BPM Group. Who would be members of that group and how is this group responsible for reducing resistance to change?
  • Deduce at least one method by which the organization can reduce change resistance.
  • Does the use of Six Sigma, ISO9000 (ISO9001), or the Balanced Scorecard within an organization contribute toward or reduce resistance to process change? If so, how? If not, why?

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