GB580 Purdue Global University Unit 4 FLIGBY Employee Empowerment Essay

After completing FLIGBY, scenes 1-19, and the assigned readings, you will focus on ways to manage conflict in the workplace and to empower employees. Part of your challenge will be to recognize common difficulties you and other managers might have in delegating. What are the inner motivations that keep you and others from delegating work? What are the outcomes and challenges from under-delegating? How do these problems affect conflict resolution?

This Assignment requires that you identify at least three employee conflict situations that you have observed in FLIGBY. Identify the players, and then speculate about each employees’ motivation(s) behind their position in the conflict. You will pick one of these conflicts, and outline a plan for negotiating through it to reach a resolution. Then, you will assign tasks/responsibilities to each party that reflect the outcome(s) of the negotiation. Explain how you believe this delegation will help solve the conflict. What challenges will your approach likely bring? How will you overcome those challenges?

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