GB580 Purdue Global University CH2 Unit 2 ERRC Goal Setting Planing Paper

You will need to complete scenes 1-10 in FLIGBY, if you have not already done so, craft an ERRC grid for yourself based on your reading in Blue Ocean Strategy, Chapter 2. Take into consideration your personal and professional life. Have at least two goals in each of the four quadrants. Focus on the most important two (out of 8) goals that you inserted into the grid.

Using the Goal Setting Plan template, create between two and five objectives for each of the two most important goals. Once the objectives are determined, fill in the resource, measurement, and targets for each objective. Include that template to your paper, and also write about your findings and how you will accomplish them—with particular focus on the ones that present challenges.

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Read the following articles found in the FLIGBY Library that will be used in Discussions and/or Assignments:

  • FLIGBY Library – How to Lead a Good Business
  • FLIGBY Library – How to Start Working Creatively
  • FLIGBY Library – Assessment and Performance
  • FLIGBY Library – Flow at Work 1
  • FLIGBY Library – Vision and Mission

Read the following articles found in the University Library that will be used in Discussions and/or Assignments:

  • Nickols, F., and Ledgerwood, R. (2006). The Goals Grid: A New Tool for Strategic Planning. Consulting to Management. 17(1), 36-38.
  • W. Chan, K. (2005) Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. HBS.
    • Chapter 2 regarding the Eliminate, Reduce, Raise, and Creating (ERRC) tool

    My vision statement is attached *unit 2)

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