Information Security Memo

Prepare a 400 to 600-word Microsoft® Word® memo saved under the following naming convention: LastnameFirstnameW2-2. Using student John Doe as an example: DoeJohnW2-2. The memo must contain the following:

Content Information:
* An announcement of Threat #1 that you identified in your Information Security Paper
* An description of the recommendations that you made to address Threat #1
* An announcement of Threat #2 that you identified in your Information Security Paper
* An description of the recommendations that you made to address Threat #2
* A statement that additional security measures related to these recommendations will be announced in 30 days
Formatting Information:
* Create the memo using a Microsoft® Word® memo template
– Select File => New
– Type in “Memo” in the search box to find samples to download
– After selecting the memo of your choice, hit the “Create” button
– Save the template
* Insert a text Watermark labeled as “Confidential”
* Use a minimum of two different fonts in the body of the memo

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Please Note:
* Do not exceed the maximum word count by more than 100 words
* APA formatting requirements do not apply for this assignment
* Do not use references for this assignment – none are needed

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