Module 6: Project – Implementation Plan


· The objective of this project is to develop an audiovisual presentation on how technology can be applied to solve an organizational problem within an Internet of Things (IoT) framework.

· Approach the project as if you are recommending a technology implementation initiative to your chosen organization’s technology planning committee.

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Implementation Plan (due at end of Module 6)

· Include a problem statement and recommended solution slides from previous deliverable for reference.

· Develop an implementation plan for your technical solution. The plan should include a work breakdown structure and schedule.

· Describe how the solution will be validated before deployment.

· Describe how the solution will be evaluated and continuously improved in operation.

· Discuss any legal, ethical, and cultural considerations associated with the solution.

A template file is provided below for your deliverable. To complete your deliverable, fill in the required sections with the content for your project.


TECH460 Module 6

Implementation Plan


Criteria Total
Include problem statement slide from previous deliverable 10
Include recommended solution slide from previous deliverable 10
Work Breakdown Structure 20
Schedule 20
Solution validation 30
Solution evaluation and continuous improvement 30
Legal, ethical and cultural considerations 30
Total 150

Problem Statement


Provide a clear, concise statement of a single problem that you will address with technology in your project. Copy this slide from your Module 4 deliverable for reference.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Recommended Solution


Select a suitable solution from your alternatives and justify why you selected it. Copy this slide from your Module 4 deliverable for reference.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Work Breakdown Structure


Provide a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the implementation plan for your recommended solution. You may add slides to this section if needed for your WBS.


(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)



Provide a schedule for the implementation plan for your recommended solution. You may add slides to this section if needed for your schedule.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)



Describe how your recommended solution will be validated before deployment.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Evaluation and Continuous Improvement


Describe how your solution will be evaluated and continuously improved in operation.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

Legal, Ethical and Cultural Considerations


Discuss any legal, ethical and cultural considerations associated with your recommended solution. You may add slides to this section if needed.

(Delete this instruction box before submitting your assignment.)

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