Project Proposal – On-premises Data Center Upgrade & Cloud Migration


This week’s group project involves risk management planning. It is a 1,000 word paper, defining the risk management plan for our data migration project. It includes the following components.

1. Discuss elements of risk management planning and the contents of a risk management plan.

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2. Explain the concepts of risk related to the chosen IT project, and list the advantages of managing IT project risks according to best practices.

3. List three common sources of risk for the chosen project.

4. Identify five potential risks for the chosen IT project, and be sure to list both positive and negative risks.

5. Provide detailed description of each risk by creating a risk register and report. Make sure to propose strategies for addressing each risk.


FYI: Project Proposal – On-premises Data Center Upgrade & Cloud Migration





Understanding Functions

Required Resources

Read/review the following resources for this activity:

· Assignments

· The Vertical Line Test and Graphs of Functions

· Graph a Quadratic Equation

· Radical Functions

Initial Post Instructions

In the real world, functions are mathematical representations of input-output situations. A vending machine is one such example. The input is the money combined with the selected button. The output is the product.

Here is another example: The formula for converting a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius is a function expressed as:

C = (5/9)*(F – 32), where F is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Celsius temperature.

If it is 77 degrees Fahrenheit in Phoenix Arizona, then what is the equivalent temperature on the Celsius thermometer?

Our input is 77.

C = (5/9)*(77 – 32)

C = (5/9)*(45)

C = 25

The equivalent temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

To complete the Discussion activity, please do the following:

Choose your own function or choose from the list below and then provide a unique example of a function and evaluate the function for a specific input (like the example above).

Arm length is a function of height.

The circumference of a circle is a function of diameter.

The height of a tree is a function of its age.

The length of person’s shadow on the ground is a function of his or her height.

Weekly salary is a function of the hourly pay rate and the number of hours worked.

Compound interest is a function of initial investment, interest rate, and time.

Supply and demand: As price goes up, demand goes down.

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